Google on Monday commemorated Subhadra Kumari Chauhan, India's first woman satyagrahi and a writer and freedom fighter, with a doodle on her 117th birth anniversary. She was jailed twice for her involvement in protests against British rule in 1923 and 1942. She continued to make revolutionary statements in the fight for freedom both on and off the page into the 1940s, publishing a total of 88 poems and 46 short stories, the Google Doodle page reads. August 16, 2021 at 08:21AM India News | Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India - Times of IndiaGoogle doodles India's first woman satyagrahi Subhadra Kumari Chauhan

Google on Monday commemorated Subhadra Kumari Chauhan, India's first woman satyagrahi and a writer and freedom fighter, with a doodle on her 117th birth anniversary. She was jailed twice for her involvement in protests against British rule in 1923 and 1942. She continued to make revolutionary statements in the fight for freedom both on and off the page into the 1940s, publishing a total of 88 poems and 46 short stories, the Google Doodle page reads.

from India News | Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India - Times of India

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